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 Editorial and Collaboration Process


Thank you for your interest in publishing with us. The publication of any material will be subject to prior approval from the blog’s Editorial Team. You must take into account the following: 

Before submitting your article, we ask that you submit a proposal of 3-5 paragraphs. Your proposal should explain how your article will focus on popular education and should indicate what type of article you plan on submitting (see below for more details). You should send your proposal to



The Editorial Team will read the proposal and respond in two weeks. 



If the proposal is approved, you will send their final work via email to You will have three weeks to submit your article (unless notified otherwise) including a brief abstract in English and Spanish and four to six keywords for content identification. 

Submission Details:

  1. Articles must be original (not previously published elsewhere) and submitted in one of the official languages of the blog (English and Spanish). The Editorial Committee may approve the other languages for publication. 

  2. Articles should be a maximum of 3-5 pages single-space not including tables, citations, bibliography and/or links. However, the Editorial Team may approve works of greater length. Articles should be written using Word or any comparable alternative. 

  3. In the event that you would like to include tables, diagrams, and/or graphs, keep in mind that the blog is published in color so use light backgrounds and shades. Use an editable platform (jpeg, Excel, etc) to submit tables, diagrams, and/or graphics.

  4. Your article must include:

    1.  the name of the author(s)

    2. work profile

    3. institution(s) to which you are affiliated

    4. Email address

    5. Any other information that is pertinent

Types of Submissions

We seek submissions that incorporate popular education. (For more information on how we understand popular education see the section entitled “Mission”). Although we accept various types of submissions, we favor grassroot experiences and reports from the field. 


For grassroot experiences and reports from the field, which can include interviews with practitioners of popular education, you must include:

  • The person/organization to be interviewed

  • Written permission of the person/organization to interview


For book reviews and commentaries on conferences or similar events the following should be included: 

  • Title of the book/event, author, publisher, and publication date

  • Date of event and any other pertinent information


Bibliography (when relevant)

Include a bibliography at the end of the document using one of the following citation styles:



Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 2000.       


Freire, P. (2000). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum.


Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum. 2000.

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